Category Archives: Boating

To Build a Boat (kit) day 4

 …or just call me the queen of clamps. Today was the first full day I have put in. And full it was. I was off to the building supply store before breakfast for safety goggles and more clamps. Good luck my dears in Liverpool if you need to buy a clamp this week. I have […]

To Build a Boat (kit) Day 3

I totally forgot to take a picture before I shut down for the night. The bulk of the project was covered in plastic for the night when I just ran back out to take a couple of shots. It was a long day. I didn’t get to start until after lunch and once again, the […]

To Build a Boat (kit) day 2

I finally got up the nerve to open the boxes. So many pieces!!! I grabbed the manual and curled up in a cosy corner. It was intimidating to say the least. I then went online and spent some time reading the boatbuilding forums and tips. Most helpful and gave me the confidence to move ahead. […]

To Build a Boat (kit) – Day One

….or Some Assembly Required. It has begun. Almost. The past two days have been more prep work than boat work and I still haven’t opened the cardboard boxes. But soon. First I had to make a space to build. Enter eBay with event shelter: It took a few hours to get it up and right […]

Sunday Row

My brother and his daughter recently, on their way home from my sister’s cabin in Hall’s Bay, saw from their small boat a pod of orca whales. He said one fin was as much as six feet high and it was both amazing and scary (that’s something coming from him, a fearless sea-dog). It must have been […]

Boats 2014

Like I said, life is good. I’ve got a boat in a box. and a boat now in the water Paddle Song has settled nicely into her new home at Brooklyn Marina. Thanks to brother Peter who patched her and caulked her and gave her enough tender loving care to see another summer with her […]

Today’s Costume: woods-woman

   Why does it always take me so long to get around to everything? By the time I get in the habit of using my bicycle every year it is almost time for snowplows. My procrastination in starting anything is evident in my cupboards and boxes full of yarn and fabric; some of it in colours which […]

Today’s Costume; Intrepid Explorer.

Or a leisurely Sunday paddle on the Mersey. For some time I have been keen to carry the kayak down to town and paddle back with the tide. I was a little late getting underway so I caught the tale end of the incoming tide; it helped counteract the current and made for nice paddling until I got […]

Maiden Voyage

Aaah, there’s no end to the excitement in my life. Really, what could be more thrilling than almost stepping out of one’s rubber boot after having it anchored in boot-sucking mud while one is disembarking from one’s watercraft to salvage what appeared at first glance to be the ultimate plastic berry-picking jug. It happened on a […]

She’s In or How to Name a Boat

I’ve had much better luck naming my boats than I have had in naming my cats, two of which were named ‘Puss’ (the cats, not the boats). My first boat was a 40 year old tender passed on by my neighbour Billy; it was either us or the trash heap. A new transom made her […]