To Build a Boat (kit) – Day One

….or Some Assembly Required.

It has begun. Almost. The past two days have been more prep work than boat work and I still haven’t opened the cardboard boxes. But soon. First I had to make a space to build. Enter eBay with event shelter:

tentIt took a few hours to get it up and right and it wasn’t fun in the hot sun in the twenty-five degree heat. At least it wasn’t fun until Gail and Bernard came over with their son and his friend and Lance pitched in to help raise the roof. Nothing beats a neighbourhood project and we got it up without bending any poles or learning any new swear words. They will get an extra drink at the naming/launch ceremony. Here’s how it fits into the yard:

white tentThe only damage done was knocking a few cherry tomatoes off the vine. It’s a bit of a tight squeeze but the sides are removable and there are two entryways. Why not build it in the barn, you might well ask. Could have done it in the loft but imagine me trying to launch a boat out of those big loft doors and lower it to the ground without caving in one end or beating in the side of it against the wall. Naw, it needs its own boat shop. The fabric is very lightweight and the hardware not real substantial which is only motivation to get the thing built in good time. I made the slings to hold her yesterday. They will convert from webbing to hard top as needed.

slingsI’d kind of like to wait a day or two to see how the tent behaves in the wind and rain but I’m mighty keen to open those boxes. I’ll keep you posted….

© Judy Parsons 2014

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