Today’s Costume: Inventor.

….or What to Do with Your Old Socks.

Heat, humidity, hormones. A bad mix. If my wrists aren’t slipping and sliding around the edge of my laptop they are sticking to it. In desperation I came up with my latest invention. Slidy sleeves. I would have knit some but, like I said, heat, humidity and hormones. They add up to make knitting a sticky business. So what do you do when you have a hole in your sock? Cut off that end and make a thumb hole in the heel. This is just my prototype; my next will have coordinating blanket stitching around the edge.

Judy P's super-duper slidy sleeve.

Judy P’s super-duper slidy sleeve.


What do you mean, I didn’t invent it? Show me the evidence.


circa 1935: Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth II

circa 1935: Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth II


Oh. Well, if they’re good enough for the Queen, they’re good enough for me. Her socks were a lot fancier than mine!!


© Judy Parsons 2016 Except for picture of Liz: Keystone/Getty images

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