Travel-Blog #15

…or checking out Key West.

Took the picture from teh car window in a drive by.

The North South highway begins here in Key West at mile 0.

Well, we did the touristy thing a while back and drove to Key West. Here’s a few pictures. We didn’t go to Hemingway’s house or the Audubon museum or go to Jimmy Buffet’s bar. There were a couple of cruise ships in and the streets of Key West were next to impossible to navigate because everyone thought they were in Disney and could wander about the roads willy-nilly without regard to motorized vehicles. And we could have gotten a hotel for the price of parking! But we enjoyed the day, especial Fort Taylor which was not at all crowded and a little fabric store where I picked up some scraps to pass the time. Here’s handful of pictures.

There were chickens running around freely all over town. Halifax could learn a thing or two about chickens from the laid back Keys folk.

There were chickens running around freely all over town. Halifax could learn a thing or two about chickens from the laid back Keys folk.

We went to a small sad aquarium right in downtown. I did get to see a few of my favourite creatures.

Loved the seahorses. Actually got to swim with one at Knight's Key. So cute.

Loved the seahorses. Actually got to swim with one at Knight’s Key. So cute.


And the lionfish. Learned later that these are an invasive species in Florida and there is a campaign to eradicate them called "Be the Predator".

And the lionfish. Learned later that these are an invasive species in Florida and there is a campaign to eradicate them called “Be the Predator”.


Fort Taylor. Pretty empty now.

Fort Taylor. Pretty empty now.


They sure knew how to do stairs back in the day.

They sure knew how to do stairs back in the day.


Cannon detail at Fort Taylor.

Cannon detail at Fort Taylor.


Chapel at Fort Taylor.

Chapel at Fort Taylor.


A great view of the moat. Not sure if it was full of alligators and didn't really wish to find out.

A great view of the moat. Not sure if it was full of alligators and didn’t really wish to find out.

As always, my favourite part of the trip was the food.

Key West food kiosk right downtown.

Key West food kiosk right downtown.


These were the yummiest of the yummy coconut shrimp you could find anywhere and the some of the best street food I have ever eaten.

These were the yummiest of the yummy coconut shrimp you could find anywhere and the some of the best street food I have ever eaten.

We are currently camping at Salt Springs in Ocala National Forest and internet is onl available at the camp office so updates will be sporadic for a while but I will try to keep you udated on the news of the Tin Can Tourists.

Click on any picture for a larger view.

© Judy Parsons 2015


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