Rant and Rave

…..or Judy vs the USPS.

So what’s new in my world? Well, the excitement never ceases. This morning I picked up both a penny and a pin. Now if I were to find a button it would be the perfect trifecta of good luck tokens.


Since we started traveling I have been sending picture post cards to my mother in Newfoundland. Back in November I went into the post office in Williamsburg and asked for a sheet of ‘forever’ (non-expiring) US stamps. The friendly clerk/agent/counter man (what do you call those guys anyhow?) brought me a sheet of pretty round sticker stamps with pictures of green wreaths with bright red bows. “Oh, not Christmas stamps, please.” “Sorry, ma’am, that’s all I got.” “But these aren’t Christmas postcards.” “Sorry, ma’am, I don’t make the rules.” I took my stamps and peeled and stuck, grumbling all the while. Later at Cape Hatteras and then in South Carolina I tried to buy regular stamps but continued to be unsuccessful. “Sorry ma’am, the lady who’s in charge of ordering stamps is not in today.” “Sorry, these are all I’ve got and we aren’t getting any more until they are all gone.” I was annoyed but then it got to be close enough to Christmas that I didn’t mind using the seasonal stamps and I bought another full sheet; another new Christmas design of a wreath made up of jingle bells. A-ha, I thought, they were told not to bring out any new stamps until last year’s Christmas ones were all used up. That seemed reasonable but I wished that they would also sell the other ones too.

Global Forever postage stamp.

Global Forever postage stamp.

Yesterday I went to the local Marathon office of the Untied States Postal Service – easy to find with its giant American flag out front. I asked for a sheet of ‘global forever” postage stamps. Across the counter came the ubiquitous wreaths of jingle bells. Like a broken record I pleaded “Oh, not the Christmas ones, please.” “Sorry, ma’am, that’s all we got.” “But the person I’m sending this letter to is Jewish!” “Oh, I’m sorry about that, ma’am.” ” I harrumphed and asked “What do Muslims or people who don’t celebrate Christmas do?” “I don’t know ma’am, it’s never been an issue.” I harrumphed, and begrudgingly slid the very merry sheet of stamps off the counter, complaining “Pretty soon it will be Christmas every day.” I headed for the door. That was after I almost posted my letter into a recycling bin instead of the official USPS mail slot. Like the song with the green, green grass, I miss those right red Canadian mailboxes of home.

Domestic Forever Christmas stamp.

Domestic Forever Christmas stamp.

Despite my rant, there is much to rave about about. The highlight of my week was swimming with a little seahorse. I had mistaken it for a stick and tried to brush it away. Cutest little critter ever. Think I’ll wander down to the dock now to see if I can find another. Perhaps I’ll find that button on the way.

© Judy Parsons 2015 (except for the stamps, I don’t even want to own them)

(2015!!! How old am I anyway??)

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