Christmas Belongs to the Cats

In our house it is really the cats who owns Christmas:

They own the gifts as well:

And the gift-wrap:

Sammie conspires: “Hey, Baxter, you can eat all the curly ribbon this year, I’m good” knowing full well it with facilitate an emergency trip to the animal hospital, leaving the house, the tree and the presents all for himself!

“Sheesh, I was just kidding!”

“Is this gift Mine?” Yes, Sammie, it’s got your name on it.

And one for Baxter too:

“That’s it? More please, more presents, more. I wants more, I tells you. Can I have more presents? Pretty please?”



“Hey Bax, better luck next year. I heard there’s a guy you can write who’ll bring you stuff. I knew a cat once who wrote and he got a tank right full of fish and a bag of catnip.Now if only they’d teach us to write.”


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(c) Judy Parsons 2012






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