Happy Easter

Easter is so much easier than Christmas, don’t you think? A few eggs, church for those so inclined, four days off if you are civil service, and it always lands on a weekend. The only hard part is figuring out the date it is going to arrive.
And just one big meal to cook. Did you notice that if you mix up the letters in the word Easter you get eaters? And eat we did tho we kept it modest:

Ham and fixin’s.

I love Easter because I get to use the pastel Grindley Petal dishes.
No Jon, those aren’t grits, they’re parsnips. If you like parsnip you will love this recipe for Roasted Parsnip and Pear Pureé from the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Parsnip masquerading as porridge.

I also love Easter because there is always chocolate on the menu. I could say that this year I got lazy and didn’t make dessert, which I didn’t, but I did brave the long lines at Costco to buy it so not lazy so much. Stupid maybe, as it was tricky keeping the 6 foot rule. Hopefully groceries were the only things I picked up there.

Costco tiramisu and you get to keep the glass.

It could only have been better with family or friends to share. Maybe next year.

© Judy Parsons 2020

4 Comments to "Happy Easter"

  1. Jon Stone's Gravatar Jon Stone
    04/12/2020 - 8:56 pm | Permalink

    I got all excited there for a minute thinking that was grits. Never would have guessed parsnip. What do you do to make them edible? 🙂

  2. Dianne's Gravatar Dianne
    04/12/2020 - 9:33 pm | Permalink

    Happy Easter my friend, stay safe

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