I can’t get enough of…..


cover170x170What is wrong with me? I haven’t bought a new album in years. Well, except the Gene MacLellan tribute album last year (Canadian artists cover his songs), but I bought Adele’s new album 25 before it even came out. I had been smitten by her latest hit “Hello”. I am waiting for just the right moment to play it all the way through.

Adele has the pipes. She’s got the chops. But best of all, she is real (except when she is retouched for a photo for an album cover or video, but really, that stuff lives forever, wouldn’t you want to look better than your best too?) She has a real sense of humour and this morning I discovered, when reading a Huffington Post piece, that she is also a great actress. Check it out here ; there’s a video halfway down the post:

Adele impersonates her impersonators

I hope she sells a billion albums. I hope she can retire a billionaire before she’s too burnt out by show business to enjoy it. I hope she can stay real.

On another note, condolences to the family of Ron Hynes, the man of a thousand songs. He sure knew how to write them.

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