The Florida Pages #2

…..or Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear.

It all started with the lowly $3 pineapple cookie jar (sadly, still cookie-less). Little did I know that it would inspire all of my dining room decorating to come. pineapple cookie jar On our first day of seriously looking for any furniture at all (we didn’t even have a bed at this point) all we came home with was a piece of stained glass from a consignment store. glass quailNext came the dining room table with the pineapple legs, which has already been introduced. dining tableWhile I was looking for a desk or a china cabinet I found this dandy punch bowl. Indeed, I was knocked out by it and splurged by spending a whole $10 for this versatile piece, which comes apart and makes two dishes if you want. They made me take the little glass cups too even though I don’t want them. Cut crystal it ain’t but it sure can hold a lot of fruit. (The granny smith apples in it here were huge) punch bowlIn the meantime the hunt continued in and out of thrift shops, consignment shops and even a real department store. I kind of liked this piece and took a picture of it home to ponder some more. DSC_0958The cost was bit steep for my pocketbook. I mostly just liked the little white knobs. Besides, I really wanted something with a surface from which I could serve. At this point I was starting to feel sick about how much money we have been spending. At this rate we would have all the fancy dining room  furniture we wanted but would be eating Kraft dinner and Vienna sausages. I decided I would not buy the cabinet but would wait for the next winter and look then.  And then the doorbell didn’t ring. (It is broken) There was a fellow who had some business with us who came in and admired the dining room. “I just need a hutch” I said. “I’ve got one in my truck” he said. Not only did he have the cabinet but also a buffet in a pattern which pleased me to bits; somewhere along the lines of where antique meets vintage. Both for half the price of what I was going to pay for the fancy one. Delivered. Wow, what kismet. You just can’t beat Florida thrift shopping especially when things turn up at your door. I will have to be very careful about what I wish for from now on! IMG_4586 IMG_4590And here it is all together: the new room. You’re all invited to dinner. Next year. Oh and by the way, the dishes in the cabinet are some of a set I also purchased from  a thrift store. They are LL Bean blueberry stoneware; most of a set of serving for 6 complete with serving bowls. The replacement pieces I bought on line to fill it out cost as much as the whole set did at Sally Ann. IMG_4589 Now I’m not bragging – I’m just so danged excited that I need to share. In actual fact,  I now have developed a great fear of become a hoarder. I can easily see how it happens. I’ll be out looking for art for the dining room and see some dishes and a few throw cushions. Maybe a better punch bowl and some ice cream dishes. Then the next time I’ll see something better and so on and so on. I trust you will all let me know when I need an intervention. In the meantime I am thanking the patron saints of used furniture and all the sources of good karma I have been experiencing in my decorating phase. Oh, and a special note to Dianne who brought up pineapple doilies; I think not though I know which thrift store has one for sale. pineapple doily© Judy Parsons 2015

1 Comment to "The Florida Pages #2"

  1. Dianne's Gravatar Dianne
    04/23/2015 - 7:01 pm | Permalink

    That’s the cloth that I was thinking about. I have done a few of these. I guess you don’t really want one. Oh well, I will keep knitting christmas stockings.

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