To Build a Boat (kit) day 32

…or All About Boats.

heartbrokenI feel heartbroken. I have been saying for years “be careful what you say out loud, it surely will happen”. So why did I not take my own advice? This morning in an effort to be more organized I took a canvas bag and put all my camera gear in it. I said to Lance, “this is now my official camera bag. Of course it means that if I lose it, I lose all my cameras and gear”. Then I took off to the marina to see if there was anyone around to help haul my boat up on the ramp so that I could pick it up with the trailer later.

I don’t really know too many of the marina members but two of them were familiar today and I stopped to chat. Before you know it, Paddle Song was tied into the back of a beautiful red pick-up and on the road to Milton. A big shout out to the men who like to pitch in when help is needed. There will be cinnamon buns in your future. That’s one item off my to-do list.

High and dr.y

High and dry.

It is always such a relief to have the boat out for the winter. I was very pleased to find that she was dry as a bone sitting at the dock and that the bottom paint inhibited all barnacle and weed growth for the first time since I have been using her. Guess that “shark white” bottom paint is as fierce as it sounds. Tomorrow I will get her turned over and stowed for the winter.

While I was at the marina I looked across to the old Bowater site and spied a huge cargo ship docked there with huge cargo. Now there is little more fascinating to me than windmills and the size of these blades were a sight to behold. I went home and insisted Lance come to see them with me and I grabbed a camera from the bag and off we went.

windmill bladesI jumped out and took a photo, then took another with my phone so that I could text it to someone. I was getting out of the truck at home later when I realized I had put my camera on the park bench to take the pic with my phone and had driven off without it. Swear words ensued. How careless of me. I drove back but nothing to be found. So now there are signs posted in the supermarkets, the post office and on the park bench. I informed the RCMP and gave them my contact info. There is little more I can do. I am so sad but it is my own fault for joking about losing it this morning. Grrrr. You don’t suppose that it is a sign that I need a better camera? Poor Saint Anthony, I am invoking his lost and found services yet again – I now have him on speed dial. Indeed, he helped me find my keys not once but twice today and the dust mask without my even asking.

In other boat news; the under side of the deck is fibreglassed. I clamped it to two long sticks and flipped it over and onto the top of the boat and there it sits waiting to be glued on. I need to solicit help for that and just don’t feel up to it this evening. Tomorrow. This is how it looks just laid on; it will have a nice curve when it is fastened and will look very sleek with a coat of glass and epoxy.

Expedition Wherry in the making.

Expedition Wherry in the making.

You can see that first hint of fall in the trees in the background. Here is what it looks like across the river. Incidentally, this is the boat-house of the fellow who initiated my impromptu boat-hauling this morning. Pardon the quality of the picture but I didn’t have my good camera. Grrrr.

Dave's dock on the Mersey.

Dave’s dock on the Mersey.

© Judy Parsons 2014

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