Moving Day

….or forced day off.

In the new room, safe and sound.

In the new room, safe and sound.

Well folks, it had to be done. There’s a threat of thundershowers overnight and although the tent is intact and supported with extra struts I don’t trust it to survive a heavy downpour or extreme winds. So the boat is now in the “blue room”. It’s a bit of a tight fit – should I gain any weight about the hips I will have to go outside to get around her bow. That’s incentive to practice dietary restraint (she says as she stuffs another chocolate truffle into her gob). An especially big shout out to Lance for donating his favourite space to the cause. I hope the inconvenience is short lived (knock on wood). The move happened early but the room is still not set up, nor did I do any work on the hull because last night I had a moment of weakness and cracked open a growler of dark cream ale from a local microbrewery that was left over from the party. We sat around in a neighbour’s backyard and yacked as the moon drifted lazily across the sky and fire crackled. T’was mighty nice all around and it got late as the beer went down easy without complaint.


♪♪”Ha, ha, ha, you and me, little brown jug, don’t I love thee…”♫

Not enough damage done to take to my bed for the day but my brain is fuzzy enough that I dasn’t dare touch my precious rowboat. Best medicine on those occasions is to take the fresh air. So I did. Should be able to get a fresh start tomorrow morning once I drape all the furniture and set up my tools.

Beach Meadows. Less than ten minutes from the house and ten degrees colder than our backyard.

Beach Meadows. Less than ten minutes from the house and ten degrees colder than our backyard.


The island in the background is Coffin Island. I hope to row there before Paddle Song is laid up for the winter.

The island in the background is Coffin Island. I hope to row there before Paddle Song is laid up for the winter.

Nothing like cooling one’s feet in the surf, even on such a grey day. I wonder how my Expedition Wherry will take those swells.

© Judy Parsons 2014

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