A Three Costume Day in Milton

…..and it’s not over yet! So far today I have donned three separate costumes:

1. CHEF – Jeans and a royal blue T-shirt, both from Frenchy’s, and a heavy green apron with a white  tag saying Williams-Sonoma on the bib.  That makes me pine for Sonomic vinegar which Big Bill Brother-in-law introduced us to last year. Some good. Who would have thought that you could use vinegar as an ice cream topping! I digress. My first activity today was to make fresh bread; yummy multigrain with sunflower seeds. I also made up a few bun prototypes. they were supposed to look like this:

Easter rolls

Easter rolls

The idea came from the web bulletin board ‘Pinterest’, which I am compelled to visit several times a day. Anyhow, mine came out looking like they had some kind of pox:

Bunny or cat or creature from outer space?

What breed of bunny is this?

They looked more like demented street-weary alley cats than rabbits. However ugly they were, they tasted great fresh from the oven with butter and strawberry freezer jam. I’ll try again with smooth sweet dough to make hot cross bunnies for Easter dinner.

2. BIKING GEAR – It was ten degrees with a strong steady wind out of the North. A bright blue sky beckoned but what to wear? A red fleece toque under my helmet and, hey, that 100% virgin wool J Crew sweater I bought yesterday at Frenchy’s would be just perfect. I picked it up to shrink for felt for slipper linings and sweater sleeve mittens a la Pinterest. The long turtleneck was just the ticket for riding into the wind. I can’t wash it anyway, we are temporarily without hot water (another story for another day). I biked along the river to Pine Grove Park. Lots of ducks on the river, still some snow on the trails which added to the fun.

Spring ducks.

Spring ducks.

3. PAINTING SMOCK – well, not really a smock, more of an old faded black knit dress, black tights and a great little pair of red canvas shoes with rubber toes from Frenchy’s. They are perfect because they put me in mind of mimes, which makes me think of Paris and isn’t Paris full of painters? I am working on a piece I started two Easters ago for Lance’s birthday. Hey, I never said which birthday!

Painter's feet.

Painter’s feet.

Today’s Blog was brought to you by:

Frenchy’s – the best used clothing store I know

Pinterest – the ideas web-page

Tickle Trunk –  Mr. Dressup was a Canadian kid’s show in which Mr. Dressup would draw pictures, do crafts. hang out at the treehouse with his puppet friends Casey and Finnegan, and dress up in costumes he would find in his ‘tickle trunk’.

Mr. Dressup at the Tickle Trunk

Mr. Dressup at the Tickle Trunk








(c) Judy Parsons 2013


3 Comments to "A Three Costume Day in Milton"

  1. Mary Spencer's Gravatar Mary Spencer
    03/30/2013 - 11:11 am | Permalink

    You do seem to find so many interesting things at Frenchys!!!

    Loved Mr. Dressup. Especially loved it when “Aunt Bird” came for a visit. That man could find more uses for a toilet tissue roll than Kellogg’s has corn flakes! Met Mr. Dressup, along with Judith, who did the voices of Casey and Finnegan on the show, at a workshop in Goose Bay, Labrador. Was very disillusioned when I went into the hotel dining room for breakfast in the morning and Mr. Dressup (Ernie Coombs) was smoking a cigarette. I had held him so high on a pedestal….

    Joely and Brynne are here for Easter this year and my only attempt at baking will be to make an Easter “Peeps” cake for dessert for our turkey dinner with all the trimmings tomorrow. We will have the ubiquitous Newfoundland pease pudding, turnip greens, and maybe a doughboy or two along with our Jiggs Dinner. Wish you and Lance could be here to partake of our humble fare and make me your fabulous hot cross buns. We will be cooking and dying Easter eggs for brunch. I have as our centerpiece all of the eggs that we blew out and dyed when my kids were tiny, over thirty years ago. They are so precious!!

    On Good Friday we had my beer-battered cod and fisherman’s brewis (made with salt cod…my favorite). We used cod which we had caught ourselves, but it seemed a shame to waste two Coors Light in the batter. Mother totally enjoyed it (the cod, not the beer).

    Joely has put in her order tonight for toutons with molasses and bacon. Ryan and Penny are skidooing down in the mountains in White Bay today.

    Happy Easter!!!

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