Tag Archives: gopher turtle

A Visitor

….or Gopherus Polyphemus returns. Yep, he’s back.  Or, to be more accurate, still here. I’m the one who is back. At least I think he is a he if my internet-based analysis is correct. He’s pretty old too given his size and the state of his carapace. Aw shucks, I’m just showing off now – […]

Backyard Critters

….or Doo Doo Doo Lookin’ Out My Back Door. That’s an exaggeration of course; no elephants or tangerines in our backyard. Or was it tambourines? (Is this a mondegreen;  a case of misunderstood song lyrics?)  Here are two of the most recent visitors to our back yard.   He/she’s been by to see us twice […]