Everything’s Better with Beer

We just received a parcel of goodies in which there was a curious item called Beer Bread in a bottle. Thank you so much Marie; we got a lot of mileage out of it as you can see:

Bread in a Bottle

Bread in a Bottle

Instructions were simple; add beer and bake. So I did. But first I tasted the beer to make sure it was okay. I had to taste it a second time to be sure and then took a third sip for good measure.

One step, one bowl, one spoon.

One step, one bowl, one spoon.

I made it a nest of foil and parchment so that the bottom would not blacken like it did with the last loaf I baked in the the cast iron pot.

Ready to bake in the cast iron pot.

Ready to bake in the cast iron pot.

I put it on the hob over coals and rotated the pot regularly for an hour.

On the hob.

On the hob.

I had to put in in the electric oven for ten minutes at the end to crisp the top; it never browned but the texture was excellent. It had a lovely hop aroma and a pleasant bitter edge.  The Garrison Red was a good flavourful choice of beer to use.

Baked beer bread.

Baked beer bread.

The first night we had it while it was just barely cooled with butter and my own strawberry freezer jam.

Basic bread and jam; comfort food.

Basic bread and jam; the best kind of comfort food.

The next night I used some to make  stuffing in which I got to use another gift; my Newfoundland Mount Scio savoury. Some good with gravy.

Partridgeberry, apple and pecan stuffing.

Partridgeberry, apple and pecan stuffing.

Tonight it made a delicious accompaniment for turkey soup.

I ate all the veg and meat first so that I could soak up the juices with my bread.

I ate all the veg and meat first so that I could soak up the juices with my bread.

And there’s still some left. I’m thinking maybe with butter and molasses for a snack when I get home from work tomorrow. I am so glad that I didn’t put the mix in the cupboard where it would work its way to the back and not be seen again for decades. Now to get some mileage from the left-over turkey. And there’s the remainder of that six-pack of beer that needs attention. Oh me hips!!

© Judy Parsons 2014

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2 Comments to "Everything’s Better with Beer"

  1. Marie's Gravatar Marie
    02/12/2014 - 7:38 am | Permalink

    Dear Judy,
    What a feast of a blog! Lance mentioned that you cook bread the real and original way, but these pictures are heaven. And you have a feline guardian, which has to be the final perfection. I will FW your blogsite to others.

    I have one hop vine that is productive, but the user has left the island. I will phone in the fall to see if you are interested in hops — I don’t think one vine’s worth would be useful??
    Love to two, and Sammeeface,

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