Waste Not, Want Not

…or Santy Says have a Thrifty Christmas.

I’ve got tons of cheap little wooden ornaments and some pretty funky Santa Clauses from the thrift store. What to do with them all? Santy said “Make yerself a wreath.” So I did, but it did require some investment. I needed spray paint for the knobs I salvaged from my kitchen cupboards and a wreath frame.

The bare bones……

Sadly I also had to buy the pine-cones. The smallest one I could find in my yard is about eight inches high. I found wire in a drawer and the kitschy little wooden fellow and bears in my thrifty Christmas collection.

I had to bushwhack in the lot across the road for my greenery. I think it is local cedar. This area of Florida used to have so much cedar that they built a pencil factory here. Long gone now, and I had to brave the wilds to find the one tree which I could gently prune.

Happy Santy.

And there you have it. All for under ten dollars. Thankfully I am not too picky about symmetry.

And next year I’ll only need to supply the greenery.

© Judy Parsons 2019

2 Comments to "Waste Not, Want Not"

  1. Dianne's Gravatar Dianne
    12/11/2019 - 7:40 am | Permalink

    Fabulous, wish you were closer, I need a buddy who likes doing these things. Merry Christmas my friend

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